Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

morphologia externa diencephali

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 diencephalon Short Extended
Current level morphologia externa diencephali
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7511 tax
morphologia externa diencephali
external morphology of diencephalon
62010 5775 tax
prethalamus (par)
prethalamus (pair)
9028 tax
eminentia prethalamica (par)
prethalamic eminence (pair)
62080 5774 tax
stria medullaris prethalami ; stria medullaris thalami
stria medullaris of prethalamus; stria medullaris of thalamus
62007 5769 tax
thalamus (par)
thalamus (pair)
74867 5770 tax
tuberculum anterius thalami (par)
thalamic anterior tubercle (pair)
62178 5772 tax
pulvinar (par)
pulvinar (pair)
62023 5776 tax
metathalamus (par)
metathalamus (pair)
62209 5777 tax
corpus geniculatum laterale
lateral geniculate body
62211 5778 tax
corpus geniculatum mediale
medial geniculate body
62009 5765 tax
62032 5766 tax
habenula (par)
habenula (pair)
62048 5792 tax
commissura habenulae
habenular commissure
78466 5767 tax
sulcus habenulae (par) ; sulcus habenularis (par)
sulcus of habenula (pair)
74868 5768 tax
trigonum habenulare (par)
habenular trigone (pair)
62033 3543 tax
glandula pinealis ; corpus pineale
pineal gland ; pineal body
62402 9185 tax
62072 5794 tax
commissura posterior
posterior commissure
18 lines
83.3 %
77.8 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 7511
Invalid check Found children: 35
Invalid check Found units: 18
Signature 20379 (validated since 30.12.2021)
Date: 25.03.2025